St Bernadette’s Room 1, 2021
Posted: Friday May 21, 2021
One school, eight classrooms
Room 1 counts
One room, four corners
The person with the closed eyes counts
The teacher gives the dojo points for hard work and teamwork
Sometimes we can have five
When we get to a hundred
we might have a prize
Spelling bees sound out really hard words
university, amazing, dictionary
Shalom has six letters in her name
Mason has five letters in his name
At the start of school we get to see our friends again
after the holidays
School is smart as a superhero
Sometimes we count the days
We count fifteen people, thirty hands
twenty five Chromebooks, nineteen chairs, all the named and unnamed tote trays
We can't count the hairs on our head but we can say
six have blonde hair, four black, the rest brown, twelve short, three long
Everyone counts
How many numbers in the classroom?
That's infinite
How many words? We keep saying more
How many places to go when we're playing
hide and seek tag infection?
Down at the bottom and
in the bushes too
Everyone counts, tag them, add them
Count the grabs on the rock wall, the numbers, the levels, the cricket scores
We can search in the church for meaning and clues
We can take up the challenge, that's what we prefer to do