A History of Kindness

A History of Kindness

By Kirstie McKinnon | Posted: Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

Encouragement butterflies and gratitude

Encouragement. Is it a need? Maybe. We are encouraged to do without it, make art anyway, keep showing up regardless. I agree with this, and I’m also aware that without encouragement I’m a wee bit lost.

A historical story

Back in 2022 three things happened to me:

  1. Writer and editorial dynamo Michelle Elvy published something I’d written on Love in the Time of Covid (republished below).

  2. Mountaineering writer Paul Hersey read the piece and immediately responded with: this is great, it could be a book, each chapter with a painting and a poem. His encouragement and idea stayed with me, eventually becoming: A History of Kindness on Substack.

  3. Iona Winter gifted me a ticket to a historical writing event. I wasn’t interested in history. I was into getting-over-my-fear, and moving-on-from-the past. ‘I think you’ll enjoy it kare,’ she said. So I went. Profound, joyful shock ensued. Fictionalised history! Who knew?

Michelle Elvy, Paul Hersey and Iona Winter. Exceptional writers. Generous humans.

Continue reading: Encouragement - by Kirstie McKinnon - A History of Kindness (substack.com)