The World in 2030

The World in 2030

By New Zealand National Commisson (UNESCO) | Posted: Friday Jun 05, 2020

What do you want for the world in 2030? What obstacles do we have to get through in order to get there? UNESCO wants to know what your vision is, and what choices we can make now to create the world and communities we want.

“The World in 2030.” survey will take a a few short minutes, but will also help you think about where your values lie, and in filling it out you'll be helping UNESCO to set the global agenda on these issues over the next decade to ensure #TheWorldin2030 is one we want to live in.

The survey aims to gain insights into the major global challenges of today and the solutions needed to overcome them over the next ten years. The NZ National Commission team has done the survey, and it sparked good conversations here.

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